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Six Buck Ranch
    is located 15 miles north of Red Lodge, Montana
in the heart of cattle country and close to the
Beartooth Pass, dubbed as "The most scenic by-way
in America" by Charles Kuralt.
Take a tour and visit the Wagyu cattle that live here in
"Big Sky" country. 
We are constantly working on improving meat quality
and productivity in Wagyu cattle  and maintain
unusual or unique genetics that might be just what
you are looking for.  If we don't have it, let us know
what you want and we will do our best to make it.
We have black and red Wagyu, fullbloods, purebreds
and percentages.  We try to keep something on hand
to suit different types of operations and needs.
Be sure to click on the pictures to super size them!
About Us
Red Wagyu
Black Wagyu
For Sale
Jim & Janell Henschel
107 Shorey Rd
Roberts, MT 59070
Cell: 406-861-5089
Home: 406-445-9848
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