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Tamaushu 21X FB 12689 - Full Blood Red Wagyu

Tamaushu at 4 years of age
Need to add meat?
CTamaushu's dam, B300
Tamaushu's daughter
Very docile in nature
Tamaushu sons
very consistent group.
Tamaushu 21X is a very powerful red full blood Wagyu bull. Bred out of country, he is rich in strong genetics and has done a superior job for us.

His daughters are beautiful and his sons are consistent in size and growth.  His dam ( Kalanga Tamaruko B300) is one of the best milking cows from perhaps the most important herd  in Australia, the same herd that also produced the popular "Red Star" bull. 

Tamaushu is double bred Hikari and Dai 8 Marunami which will greatly improve on his predictability and consistency.

The only time Tamaushu was on grain was at Hawkeye East during collection. At home he has been fed only grass hay and mineral but continued to grow and add flesh.

Tamaushu's second set of calves are on the ground and looking good!  You will not be disappointed with his offspring!

Purebred bull calf .
Cross bred calf
We have several full blood and purebred bulls available in red or black and red/black combinations.  There are nine 2 year olds and 16 yearlings to choose from. 

Please call or email for more information! text.
Bulls for sale!